Sunday, April 11, 2010

Excuse me, I`m sorry!

There`s a phrase that we miss! After being here for nearly 1 1/2 months we`ve learned to really appreciate the simple gesture of saying excuse me or sorry when someone bumps into you while walking. It seems as though this form of common courtesy does not exist in any way in this busy city. Ah well, it is all part of the experience.

Since our last post we have been busy with our job quite a bit. The hours are fairly long, so we really need to commit to the school during the week, leaving only the weekend for our extracurricular activities. Although we would like to go out and see more of the city, it`s also important for us to be doing our best at work.

Two weekends ago we had the opportunity to take in a soccer game at the World Cup stadium. We watched FC Seoul take on a local rival. It was really exciting to see world class athletes playing in such an incredible stadium. We sat in the `cheering` section, which involved fireworks, confetti, non-stop chants, dozens of flags being swung, and of course, standing for the entire match. It was a great experience, and we will certainly be returning soon for another.

Last weekend we visited the Seoul zoo. This was one of the highlights of our trip thus far. The zoo was massive, and it took us over 4 hours to go through (and we are still sure we missed parts). We saw every animal we could imagine, many that we had never before seen in person. We rode a chairlift as well, which gave us an overhead view of the entire zoo. It seeemed like the animals were a little tired though, since most of them were just laying around doing nothing! I guess that`s the life of being stuck in a cage.

The school has undergone a few changes since we`ve arrived. There have been a few administration switches, and we now have a new principal. They are hoping to increase the student body greatly, since we only have about 50 enrolled at the moment. Our students are growing on us more and more each week. They are very cute, and seem to really be learning a great deal.

This weekend we vistied an amusement park named `Lotte World`. It claimed to be the largest indoor amusement park in all of Asia. Well, this experience was our first let down of our trip. We went in with fairly high expectations, as the ticket price roughly $35. However, each ride we went on was less than great, and the long lines really didn`t help the situation. To top it off, we ate at a burger stand that was easily the worst food we had ingested in quite some time. Luckily we ate after we went on the rides, or else we may have some serious problems. Combined with the dissapointment, the large pushy crowds (that practically mowed down Mireille at one point), we give Lotte World a 3/10. Can`t wait to come back home and visit Wonderland!

Today was very exicting for J.P., as he faced his worst fear and went to get a hair cut at a Korean salon. To ensure there was no confusion, he brought along the camera, to show a picture of how he would like to turn out. Luckily there was an English speaking employee, so everything turned out ok! Phew!

Well we miss everyone back home. Easter felt somewhat empty without having our families to celebrate with. We went to a beautiful Korean Cathedral for Easter mass, but it really wasn`t the same. We would bring you all here if we could!